By the time you get a wage garnishment, you've already blown your opportunity to make things better. You should have responded to the first notice, not responding really chaps them off. Even if you can't pay the entire bill on time, always file the return on time because you avoid the failure to file penalty. If you are making regular payments, any taxing body is less likely to serve a garnishment on you and more likely to allow you to make a payment plan. If you dispute the amount of tax they say you owe, you should consult a CPA to see if you are still able to file an amended return or present evidence that the tax isn't actually due.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
How many things did you toss out in the name of Jehoover
by love2Bworldly ini had a flash back yesterday.
my non jw husband and i went to disneyland and bought my young daughter a set of 7 dwarf toys.
after a few months i felt guilty and threw them away, thinking they were demonized.
finally awake
I threw away a set of irreplaceable handblown Christmas ornaments that were bought on my honeymoon. Stupid stupid stupid
At some point in the future, you WILL be gay.
by rory-ks in
finally awake
Do I at least get to pick the woman I have to be wildley homosexual with?
We are an Evil Aposta-Family
by Skinnedsheep inin the last 6 months my family and i have stopped attending cold turkey.
it is incredible to me to see how our so called friends have dropped us like we were a snake covered in spiders.
we actually havent really said anything to anybody about why we stopped.
finally awake
My kids lost all their friends at the hall when we quit going. However, they had a couple of non-dub friends that live near us, and they've made many more friends since then. None of them would go back to the borg willingly.
Would like all of your imput on this. Please
by Still Totally ADD inboth reopened mind and i are now in our early 60's and it seems our conversations lately have been on putting everything up for sale and buying a rv and travel until we can't anymore.
it has been a dream of ours for along time to see all the site's in the u.s. and canada.
we feel we could make money as we go by selling and teaching using herbs and gardening.
finally awake
As an owner of an old camper, I recommend *not* buying a motorhome. I suggest that you might be happier with a towed camper or fifth wheel and a pickup truck. Towed campers are a lot cheaper than motorhomes, plus you can get used models without worrying about the engine blowing up. Our camper is nearly 40 years old, hasn't really had a lot of work done on the mechanicals since we bought it 10 years ago. We've got less than $10K in it, and it's plenty big for 2 people to live in.
Seventeen-and-a-half glorious minutes with the irrepressible Mr Lett
by rory-ks incan' .
finally awake
what a nut ball!
Am I a bad person for wishing this??
by quellycatface ini have suffered with menopausal symptoms for a few years now.
hot flushes and facial sweating, the most noticeable to others.. a sister i knew used to laugh and pretty much, mock me.
i used to say "you wait till you get them" , without being nasty.. i seriously hope she suffers.
finally awake
I have not yet experienced hot flashes, but I have suffered regularly with cramps that were as bad as labor pains. I am approaching the age where my cycle is not predictable and I do not dare stray far from a bathroom during the worst days. Anyone who can't be sympathetic and acknowledge the misery women like me have endured for decades can kiss my big fat a$$.
So many dubs
by Nosferatu inlast weekend while i was checking out garage sales, i swear i saw about 10 "pairs" of dubs doing their important work.
they were handing out the pamphlets for the convention.. i've never seen that many in one weekend.
was there some sort of special, motivational request for doing the preaching work last weekend?.
finally awake
I don't know if there was a special push last weekend, but I saw some local dubs out preaching two weekends ago. I hadn't seen anyone out and about for a couple of years before that.
Unnecessarily vulgar eBay auctions
by rebel8 inhmmm.
well at least that one has something to do with the product.
lol.. some people will go to great lengths to get their auctions to stand out.
finally awake
I loved Regresty - I'd laugh until I was crying and gasping for air
Expressions on faces at DC/RC
by BU2B ini have become more observant at the last couple district conventions of jws faces and enthusiasm and it seems to be very somber.
i remember a couple of years ago i was an attendant at one of the upper sections at the blue cross arena in rochester, ny and in afternoon session at least half were curled up with their eyes closed, some with blankets.
the applause seems very forced and mechanical.
finally awake
It's been a few years since I went to a convention, but I remember the ridiculous clothing quite clearly. Pre-teen/early teen girls in prom dresses, teen girls in hooker shoes and tight dresses, young married women still trying to look sexy while carting around a baby or toddler, middle age ladies dressed like they were attending a society wedding, old ladies wearing cocktail gowns. The physical misery of the venue made sturdy, washable, no-iron, comfortable clothes much more practical, but there were few women exercising such common sense.